[Proj] OT: Geotrans's Neys Projection - Modified Lambert Conformal Conic

proj-admin at remotesensing.org proj-admin at remotesensing.org
Mon Apr 19 10:44:39 PDT 2004

I cannot find any reference to "Neys" projection in my references or 

Snyder mentions some alternative Lambert Conics; one based upon "Gauss
projection."  Perhaps using the conformal projection to the sphere?  
But Neys
never appears in any index.  Perhaps Russian, but the name does not 
like a Russian name.

The NIMA GeoTrans stuff is completely incomprehensible so I was not able
to verify the location of any related material in the remotesensing 

If anyone can supply a reference I would be glad to look into it.

On Apr 18, 2004, at 9:24 PM, proj-admin at remotesensing.org wrote:

> Hello All,
> Anyone familiar with the Neys projection found in the GeoTrans package?
> It is stated as being a "Modified Lambert Conformal Conic", but I 
> could not
> find any further information in my reference books or online.
> Or is there a more known name for this? Is this supported by proj4?
> Just any information on this will do.
> Best regards,
> Paul.
Jerry and the low riders: Daisy Mae and Joshua

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