[OSRS-PROJ] proj4 parameter question regarding UTM [ADDENDUM]

pw p.willis at telus.net
Fri Feb 6 16:09:56 PST 2004

Hello again,

As an addendum to my last post.......

Applying the lon_0 argument instead of  'zone' gives me values but not close
to the
proper zone:

proj +proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=-126.0

-142.999 55.381

-383225.19      6226660.73

Actual utm for zone 10.
373382.032    6139045.069

Using -120 as the lat_0 value gives completely wrong results:
-757026.22      6320713.65

Changing the sign on the longitude has also been tested.
No good news there either.


> Hello,
> I have been attempting to use proj to project latlons to utm.

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