[OSRS-PROJ] Roussilhe Oblique Stereographic

werchowyna at pf.pl werchowyna at pf.pl
Fri Mar 12 04:55:14 PST 2004

hi Gerald

I'll write you again today in answer to your most recent email after I check some stuff regarding the old Frenchman and come back to my mind, cause as for now I'm too puzzled with the proj stuff :[].

In the meanwhile here are the papers I mentioned. Instead of sending them to you only links because most of them I have only in hardcopy.

Be carefull as there are almost always other Polish systems mentioned which may be confusing.

the best PL-ENG dict: http://www.translate.pl/

Those more mathematic go first:




http://www.syryjczyk.krakow.pl/turystyka_i_gps.htm - a site on GPS in relation to Polish systems, instructions on how to apply the Roussilhe projection (called QSR here) using the Transverse Mercator, but with a significant systematic error; HE IS THE GUY I MENTIONED WHO YOU CAN TALK TO!; the site accidently out of service in the moment I'm writing to you, let's hope not anymore

http://www.northpoint.com.pl/tra00.htm - nice diagram of transformations between different Polish grids

http://www.malopolska.pl/NR/rdonlyres/ezsnscmmace2iqdd5g73xlimsj432xnrqhevlx4bwgo75gtfutxbwbk74p7d4ekfqinh37n2coylpb/naszeuklady3.pdf - WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS: THE GUY HERE CALLS THE 1965's ROUSSILHE PROJECTION A "THREE-STEP STEREOGRAPHIC"?

http://www.lasypanstwowe.gov.pl/sip/Szkole/podre/V.pdf - mainly pages 36-39


http://crs.ifag.de/crs_national.php - probably you know it

Maciek Sieczka
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