[OSRS-PROJ] Roussilhe Oblique Stereographic

werchowyna at pf.pl werchowyna at pf.pl
Mon Mar 15 06:45:29 PST 2004

hello Everyone

Thanks to you Gerald, Markus and Frank for your explanations on the "proj"
stuff in Grass.

Despite of it I stiill don't know how to apply the desired projection into
Grass 5.03.
Just in case here go the details once more:
name: in Poland it's called Roussilhe or Quasi-Stereographic
other names I saw: Roussilhe Oblique Stereographic
described as: azimuthal, oblique, conformal

parameters for one of the total 4 zones for Poland in this projection
("System 1965"):
ellipsoid: Krassovsky, Pulkovo 1942 datum modified for Poland

How to apply this projection in Grass 5.03?
As far as I understood it is not possible with the old PROJ4 from USGS
included in source code of Grass 5.03?
Could the problem be solved if I compiled the Grass source with the fresh
external PROJ4 from remotesensing.org? Is there a projection that fits the
one I need included?

Something propably stupid but let me know what you think:
I suppose the "stere" projection is the closest match for Roussilhe. But the
"stere" projection in "regular" Grass 5.03 doesn't ask for x_0 and y_0 which
Roussilhe demands. This "stere" also asks for the "latitude of true scale"
while the Roussilhe definition doesn't provide such parameter.
So I MANUALLY made a PROJ_INFO like the one below. Would it work if I put it
into my mapset (Grass 5.03 installed from an rpm provided by Mandrake on
Mandrake 9.2)? Or is it completely rubbish?

name: Stereographic
dx: 23.740000
dy: -123.830000
dz: -81.810000
proj: stere
ellps: krassovsky
a: 6378245.0000000000
es: 0.0066934216
f: 298.3000000000
lat_0: 51.6708333333
lon_0: 16.6722222222
x_0: 5467000
y_0: 4637000
k_0: 0.9998000000

please help
Maciek Sieczka

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