[Proj] Trouble with a projection

Spencer Cox spencer.cox at tesera.com
Tue Aug 29 14:48:01 PDT 2006

Good afternoon,

Total newbie to proj... warning...danger...etc.

I am trying to use the following projection file in a MS4W mapfile.  To 
do so I have added it to the espg file in the proj libraries.  This 
seems to almost be working as below but I the reference latitute isn't 
included.  How would I modify that ESPG file entry to include a 
reference parallel.  Alternatively is there a resource would outlines 
all the variables you can use in such a file?  I don't even necessarily 
need to use the fake ESPG number in ESPG file combo.  Is there a 
resource that specifies all the parameters you can use to define a 
projection in a map file?

#<ESPG Entry>
<20851> +proj=lcc +lat_0=9.930000 +lon_0=-84.333333 +k_0=1 
+x_0=499784.42 +y_0=271970.62 +ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs  no_defs <>
#</ESPG Entry>


*Lambert Norte*
Projection: Lambert Conic Conformal
Spheroid: Clarke 1866
Central Meridian: -84.33333...
Reference Latitude: 10.466666...
Standard Parallel1: 9.93
Standard Parallel2: 11
False Easting: 499784.42
False Northing: 271970.62

 From Esri File:

PROJCS["Cost Rica 

Thanks for your help.

Spencer Cox - GIS Specialist
Tesera Systems Inc.
Tel: (403) 932-0440
Mailing Address: Box 1078, Cochrane AB, T4C 1B1
Street Address: Suite #6 118 Railway St. West, Cochrane AB T4C 2C2
Web: www.tesera.com

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