[Proj] proj and Dutch RD

Roger Oberholtzer roger at opq.se
Wed Jan 11 06:31:31 PST 2006

I am trying to use proj on a Dutch project using 'RD'. I have
encountered a problem.

I am trying the command:

	cs2cs -r +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +to +proj=stere
+lat_0=52.15616055555555 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.9999079
+x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs

This is based on the definition is the 'esri' file for item 28922.

The X/Y values I get are not correct (according to our contact). I have
attached a small set of values, which contains:

	latitude and longitude in degrees (WGS84)

	easting and northing according to our contact

	easting, northing and altitude from cs2cs with command line shown above

I have stuck to cs2cs for this to eliminate any programming error on my
part (other than the command line).

I have a configuration file for this from my contact. It looks like
this, which is pretty much what I wave on the command line. 


The 'PARAMETER' items match my command line. I am not sure about the
others, like the DEGREE unit and the Bessel values.

Roger Oberholtzer
OPQ Systems AB

-------------- next part --------------
cs2cs -r +proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +to +proj=stere +lat_0=52.15616055555555 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.9999079 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs

52.0556731913	5.8994491135	190098.79	451944.855	190099.05	451880.05 698.54
52.0556731747	5.8994491135	190098.79	451944.853	190099.05	451880.05 698.54
52.0556731747	5.8994491302	190098.791	451944.853	190099.05	451880.05 698.54
52.055673158	5.8994491302	190098.791	451944.851	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.0556731413	5.8994491302	190098.791	451944.849	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.0556731413	5.8994491468	190098.792	451944.849	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.0556731247	5.8994491468	190098.792	451944.847	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.055673108	5.8994491468	190098.792	451944.845	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.055673108	5.8994491635	190098.793	451944.845	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.0556730913	5.8994491635	190098.793	451944.844	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.0556730747	5.8994491635	190098.793	451944.842	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.0556730747	5.8994491802	190098.794	451944.842	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.0556730747	5.8994491802	190098.794	451944.842	190099.05	451880.04 698.54
52.055673058	5.8994491802	190098.794	451944.84	190099.05	451880.03 698.54
52.0556730413	5.8994491802	190098.794	451944.838	190099.05	451880.03 698.54
52.0556730413	5.8994491969	190098.795	451944.838	190099.05	451880.03 698.54
52.0556730247	5.8994491969	190098.795	451944.836	190099.05	451880.03 698.54
52.055673008	5.8994491969	190098.795	451944.834	190099.05	451880.03 698.54
52.055673008	5.8994492135	190098.797	451944.834	190099.05	451880.03 698.54
52.0556729913	5.8994492135	190098.797	451944.832	190099.05	451880.03 698.54
52.0556723746	5.8994494969	190098.816	451944.764	190099.07	451879.96 698.54
52.0556723746	5.8994495136	190098.818	451944.764	190099.07	451879.96 698.54
52.0556723579	5.8994495136	190098.818	451944.762	190099.07	451879.96 698.54

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