[Proj] newbie problem: WGS84 lat,long => LCC x,y

José Alberto Gonçalves jagoncal at fc.up.pt
Sun Jul 9 09:55:49 PDT 2006

The default order of the coordinates is LON LAT. Edit your file or a 
ternatively use optin -r in your proj command line to accept input in 
reverse order.

> my wgs84deg.txt with data looks like
> 22d28'13.501N 49d22'46.422E
To do your LCC projection (not the datum conversion) the proj command 
line is:

proj +ellps=intl +proj=lcc +lat_1=33 +lat_2=17 +lon_0=48 +lat_0=25.08951


Jose' A. Gonçalves

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