[Proj] Re: Re: Discovery: libproj4 stmerc = French Gauss-Laborde

Gerald I. Evenden gerald.evenden at verizon.net
Wed Jun 21 11:49:45 PDT 2006

On Tuesday 20 June 2006 2:02 pm, Melita Kennedy wrote:
> Here's a website that does list the author as Dr. Wallis:
> http://www.nttc.edu/cosmic/pub/authors.html
> Yet another website mentioned that "international" prices were $22/doc,
> $100/code.
> http://www.nttc.edu/cosmic/abstracts/npo-18086.html
> Melita
> >------------------------------
> >
> >Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 13:43:21 -0400
> >From: "Gerald I. Evenden" <gerald.evenden at verizon.net>
> >Subject: Re: [Proj] Re: Discovery: libproj4 stmerc = French
> >	Gauss-Laborde
> >To: "PROJ.4 and general Projections Discussions"
> >	<proj at lists.maptools.org>
> >Message-ID: <200606191343.21728.gerald.evenden at verizon.net>
> >
> >On Monday 19 June 2006 12:59 pm, strebe at aol.com wrote:
> >> I doubt the Open Channel Foundation source code has anything to do with
> >> Wallis unless the program was written by someone else he communicated
> >> with without his knowledge. Dr. Wallis has never tried to sell me
> >> anything; never mentioned the existence of commercial source code; and
> >> has communicated with me about his own implementation, including
> >> algorithmic subtleties and requests for independent confirmation of
> >> accuracy. He also considers the method to be "obvious" and not worth
> >> publication on its own. On the other hand, either he believes he
> >> originated the method, or else wanted me to believe he did.
> >
> >Sorry, my statement was only idle speculation because of the similarity of
> > the subject and the fact Dr. Wallis promised to publish the code several
> > years ago.  It could have been an outlet for him and probably easier than
> > going thought the pains of a professional publication---peer review,
> > etc..

Well, well.  I guessed right.

NASA putting a copyright on the material---what bull shit!  Sorry, but there 
is no other appropriate description.  US tax dollars at work!!

Presumably there is no patent on the idea then redeveloping the software in 
another language is no problems---especially if one does not view the source 

Sorry, but my blood pressure is starting to get out of hand so ... 

If I get a reply from Dr. Wallis I wonder what it will say?

Jerry and the low-riders: Daisy Mae and Joshua
"Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum"
   Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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