[Proj] First attempt of porting PROJ.4 to Windows CE

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Mar 29 18:24:59 PST 2006


I've just managed to build PROJ.4 as a static library using eMbedded
Visual C+++ 4.0, compiler for Windows CE platform.

I had to apply pretty much changes but most of them are trivial macros
or #ifdef's.
The only serious change I had to do was to rename all occurances of LP
type to LPP. This step was required because LP is a typedef
of wide-char string defined in the winnt.h file from Windows CE SDK.

I also added projects_wince.h file which is a copy of projects.h with
additional #ifdefs related to Windows CE.

I attached projects_wince.h file together with "big patch" with my
changes to this post (proj4-wince-port.zip archive).

This is my first attempt of porting PROJ.4 to Windows CE and the purpose
of this post is to present what changes are required to use PROJ.4 on
Windows CE. This port has not been tested in details yet. I'm going to
test it soon.

Now, the question is: is this port interesting and should it be included
to the official CVS repo?

I can imagine that this port requires quite much changes and not
everyone would wish to handle them during further development so that's
why I'm asking.

Another option is to publish this port as a separate project or
subprojects, similarly as sqlite-wince - Windows CE port of SQLite
library - is published on the SourceForge.net.

Please, share your opinion how should I proceed to put this port
available to users.

Best regards
Mateusz Łoskot
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