[Proj] NAD27 lat lon to Lambert Conformal Conic

Larry E. Ives larry.ives at playaoil.com
Thu Aug 2 05:17:26 PDT 2007

Thank you very much Frank! That was the answer. I really appreciate it. 
Like your website!

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Larry E. Ives wrote:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=NAD27 \
>> +to +datum=NAD27 +units=us-ft +proj=lcc \
>> +lat_0=+47.000000 \
>> +lat_1=+47.433333 \
>> +lat_2=+48.733333 \
>> +lon_0=-100.500000 \
>> +x_0=2000000 \
>> +y_0=0.000000 \
> Larry,
> I believe the issue is that PROJ expects the x_0 in meters regardless of
> the units of the coordinate system.  Try +x_0=609601.22 instead of 
> 2000000.
> I then get the right results.
> Best regards,

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