[Proj] Re: [gdal-dev] Proj4 makefile.vc

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Dec 29 03:25:05 PST 2007

Martin Chapman wrote:
> Frank / Anyone,
> I don't know if this correct but I was having trouble getting the proj.dll
> to load in my MFC exe application in VS2005 in debug mode MDd.  I went into
> the makefile.vc for proj and changed the following to match your nmake.opt
> compiler settings for debug and now everything works great.  I would imagine
> that is ok to do?  This is what I changed it to be:
> #OPTFLAGS=  /nologo /Zi /MD /Fdproj.pdb


These debug flags is a kind of minimal required set of flags and
do not include all necessary flags between Visual C++ versions.
AFAIU, it's intentional to leave customization of OPTFLAGS to a user.
Your version of flags looks correct to me, for Visual C++ 8.0 (2005).

BTW, I believe this post belongs to proj list than gdal-dev,
so I've added it to CC.


Mateusz Loskot

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