[Proj] cs2cs additional fields beyond coords passed thru

Mark Wimer mwimer at usgs.gov
Thu Apr 24 09:02:34 PDT 2008

Hi all, 

I am new to using cs2cs, and the documentation says that info to the right 
of the coordinates get sent to output. It specifies this is true for ASCII 

I was able to pass a unique ID through after some trial and error, 
although it turns an integer into a decimal numeric type (adds ".00"). But 
if I pass anything with text or any more than one field, it does not get 
through: it is ignored. 

Is this expected behavior?

Input data  file looks like this, with long, lat, and site ID:

(mdtext.txt is the file)
-120.34553 78.01231 2121123 a
-120.44543 78.02231 2121124 b
-120.48698 78.03321 2121125 c
-120.88343 78.09982 2121126 d

Command is this:
cs2cs +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +to
 +proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=NAD83  mdtext.txt >mdout.txt

output file mdout.txt looks like this, regardless of what I put after my 

-452007.16      9050449.38 2121123.00
-452875.00      9052899.16 2121124.00
-452697.75      9054457.33 2121125.00
-453914.52      9066316.58 2121126.00

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