[Proj] problems with windows include

Matthias Schneider schneider.matthias at tu-ilmenau.de
Fri Apr 25 07:35:12 PDT 2008


that works, correct. As I said, try to include the "windows.h" also.

Best regards,

Mateusz Loskot schrieb:
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> Matthias Schneider wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I used the the proj.4 some time ago. Now I want to use it in a VC++
>>>  project were I need windows includes like "windows.h" and there is
>>> the problem. If I do that, ther are some errors:
>>> * redeclaration of "PVALUE" * different use of "LPWSTR"
>>> Is there a possibility to use both - windows includes and proj.4 at
>>>  the same time? Without the windows includes, there are no errors -
>>> but I need it :(
>> Matthias,
>> The proj_api.h include file should not conflict with windows.h,
>> though it is known that projects.h can.  So, just include proj_api.h,
>> which is intended to be the public interface to PROJ.4.
> Frank,
> AFAIR, there has been some fixes applied to projects.h with Windows CE 
> port. Anyway, I can include projects.h and compile programs with 
> Visual C++ 8.0 without any problems. I've just checked this test:
> #include <projects.h>
> int main()
> {
>    aacos(1);
>    return 0;
> }
> Greetings

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