[Proj] DCW Projection

Marco Pasetti marco.pasetti at alice.it
Wed May 7 11:53:17 PDT 2008

Hi all,

I need to import DCW (http://www.maproom.psu.edu/dcw/dcw_about.shtml) data
in GRASS, and I need to create a location with the correct projection to
import them.
On the DCW web site I read as follows:


The coordinate system is described according to ARC/INFO standards. For more
information, see the project command in the ARC/INFO Users Guide.

General Projection Information

Projection:	GEOGRAPHIC
		The coordinate pairs are measured by latitude/longitude and
have not been altered by projection algorithms.
		If you are using ARCVIEW, the projection MUST be GEOGRAPIC
in order to reproject.

Units:		DD
		Coordinate pairs are measured in decimal degrees.

Spheroid:	CLARKE1866
		The spheroid for the data is the Clark 1866.

I created a location with the following projection: +proj=longlat
+ellps=clrk66 +no_defs

Is it correct? What would you suggest me?



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