[Proj] Some need for updated proj-4 manuals

Paul B. Anderson pbander at cavtel.net
Tue Sep 16 04:55:28 PDT 2008

- Jean-Claude,

I had considered adding the Tissot Indicatrix and other map distortion 
graphics to my web material, but, Bernhard Genny created software using a 
version of Proj.4 ported to Java that made the task unnecessary.

Look for his 'Flexprojector' link at my web site.

- Paul

Paul B. Anderson FCCS (USN, Retired)
Kingsport, TN native living in Norfolk, VA
My Map Projection web site:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jean-Claude Repetto" <jrepetto at free.fr>
To: "PROJ.4 and general Projections Discussions" <proj at lists.maptools.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Proj] Some need for updated proj-4 manuals

> Paul B. Anderson a écrit :
>> Hamish,
>> My web site is back up! This is the second time since Dr. Keith Clarke 
>> invited me to move my map projection material to UCSB that their servers 
>> have gone down. The first time was due to a forest fire. I don't know why 
>> the campus lost power this time (both servers were down).
>> Just for the record, the map projection material is actually on two 
>> different servers:
>> http://www.csiss.org/map-projections
> Very interesting site ! Could you add Tissot's indicatrix to the maps, 
> they are very useful to show the distorsions.
> Jean-Claude
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