[Proj] Datum-Shift WGS84 to Arc1960 not working propberly
Micha Neubauer
Micha.Neubauer at yahoo.de
Sat Aug 8 15:19:02 PDT 2009
Dear List,
I am in Tanzania and I want to transform some location data which I was given
in WGS84 to the locally used Arc1960 Datum.
So I do:
$ cs2cs +proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
+to +proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellps=clrk80 +units=m +no_defs
But it is giving me a different result than my colleague gets using the garmin
software and I think his results are correct and mine aren't
For the UTM WGS84 Point:
332368 9613672
Using the above command I get for UTM / Arc1960:
332365.02 9613707.55 0.00
And Garmin (which is probably correct) gives for UTM / Arc1960:
332274 9613972
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Do I need any more parameters for the
datum-shift? And where can I get them?
I have the Proj4 WKT string from http://spatialreference.org.
Thanks very much in advance
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