[Proj] Accuracy Cassini Solder -> lat lon 200m?!

Sebastian Schubert schubert.seb at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 3 04:03:45 PDT 2009

Dear Jean-Claude, dear all,

* On Friday 03 July 2009, 11:39:31, Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:
> Sebastian Schubert a écrit :
> > I want to convert from Solder system used in the city of Berlin
> > (EPSG:3068) to the standard lat lon system.
> What do you mean "standard lat lon system" ? If you mean WGS84, you
> should try :
> cs2cs -v +init=epsg:3068 +to +init=epsg:4326

merci beaucoup, you were absolutely right! This works.

Thank you,
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