[Proj] Change in +prog=eqc behavior from 4.5.0 to 4.6.1

Orion Poplawski orion at cora.nwra.com
Thu Jul 16 09:30:36 PDT 2009

With 4.5.0:

proj +proj=eqc +lon_0=0 +a=5.3049894774131808e-315

does not complain.

With 4.6.1:

proj +proj=eqc +lon_0=0 +a=5.3049894774131808e-315
Rel. 4.6.1, 21 August 2008
projection initialization failure
cause: no system list, errno: 34

program abnormally terminated

Is this expected?  If so, what needs to be done to get it to work in 4.6.1?

Thanks for any help.

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA/CoRA Division                    FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                  orion at cora.nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301              http://www.cora.nwra.com

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