[Proj] [proj4js] problem converting from openlayers lon/lat values

support.mn at elisanet.fi support.mn at elisanet.fi
Thu Sep 3 01:42:22 PDT 2009

piko [piklas at gmail.com] kirjoitti: 
> It seems very strange to me and i cannot solve as my javascript
> skills are quiet limited.
> Nick bozon
> 		if (evt.feature.attributes._index == 1) {
> // here i get the not expected EPSG:4326 values in my alert
> 		}
> 		else{
> //here i get the right EPSG:27563 values
> 		}

The reason must be that the if-expression you have is controlling
the flow of the program? It is not 1 when you get expected values
and 1 when it does not happen. Check your coding.

Janne. / MNS Support

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