[Proj] Standard projection for Mediterranean basin

Gerald I. Evenden geraldi.evenden at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 10:16:00 PST 2010

On Saturday 13 February 2010 12:28:57 pm Luigi Ponti wrote:
> Hello,
> I use PROJ.4 via GRASS GIS, and I would like to know if anyone is aware
> of a standard projection for mapping the whole Mediterranean basin. I
> need to do raster-based statistics on the maps, so I guess what I am
> looking for is an equal area projection.
> What I have found on the Web is a GIS built by the Joint Research Center
> (JRC http://www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/) that used Lambert Azimuthal Equal
> Area (LAEA) for the Mediterranean:
> http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/info/faq.htm#projection
> However, it adopted the same projection center for both Europe and the
> Mediterranean (0 °E and 48 °N). Is this correct?
> There is also a workshop report
> http://www.ec-gis.org/sdi/publist/pdfs/annoni-etal2003eur.pdf
> that recommended LAEA with projection center 9 °E and 53 °N to be used
> for statistical mapping in the European Union.
> Based on this background it seems like LAEA would be fine. However, I am
> unsure if there is a standard projection center and datum.
> Thank you for any hints. Kind regards,
> Luigi
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Personal opinion: because you seem to have your own project needs that has not 
shown a need to match any existing projection I would, because of the general 
E-W shape of your region, select Albers Equal Area conic. With reasonably 
selected parallels is should give you less distortion at the extremities than 
the azimuthal projection.

A little parameter tuning needs to be done.

I would not be prejudiced by projections where the needs to cover the entire 
continent are are the primary consideration.

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