[Proj] proj4 definition for transverse mercator projection from RegCM3 model for North America

Hailey Eckstrand haileyeckstrand at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 09:32:34 PDT 2010

Looks like I pasted in the wrong statement. Sorry! I was just testing out
different ideas. It doesn't make a different though, as lon_0=-97 & lon_0=263
both output the same result:

proj -f "%f" +proj=tmerc +lat_0=47.5 +y_0=3175000.0 +x_0=3925000.0 +lon_0=-97.0
+k_0=1.0 +units=m +ellps=sphere
in> -126.0869 19.61229
in> -125.6792 19.77242
in> -125.2703 19.93048

out> 773317.154904   359897.643377
out> 824089.485710   370794.986195
out> 874706.342446   381466.440468

proj -f "%f" +proj=tmerc +lat_0=47.5 +y_0=3175000.0 +x_0=3925000.0 +lon_0=263
+k_0=1.0 +units=m +ellps=sphere
in> -126.0869 19.61229
in> -125.6792 19.77242
in> -125.2703 19.93048

out> 773317.154904   359897.643377
out> 824089.485710   370794.986195
out> 874706.342446   381466.440468

invproj -f "%f" +proj=tmerc +lat_0=47.5 +y_0=3175000.0 +x_0=3925000.0 +lon_0=263
+k_0=1.0 +ellps=sphere 
in> 600000 600000
in> 650000 600000
in> 700000 600000

out> -127.929260     -21.210147
out> -127.514502     -21.293413
out> -127.097731     -21.375966

invproj -f "%f" +proj=tmerc +lat_0=47.5 +y_0=3175000.0 +x_0=3925000.0 +lon_0=-97
+k_0=1.0 +ellps=sphere 
in> 600000 600000
in> 650000 600000
in> 700000 600000

out> -127.929260     -21.210147
out> -127.514502     -21.293413
out> -127.097731     -21.375966


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