[Proj] quoting +nadgrids ?

Greg Troxel gdt at ir.bbn.com
Fri Jul 30 04:51:33 PDT 2010

  > If you put quotes around the whole def string, does it work?

  yes for gdalwarp, no for cs2cs. so 'single quoting' all +proj
  terms and sending them as individual argv's works for cs2cs,

I wonder why it's necessary to quote if you place things in a single
argument, unless cs2cs tries to split arguments on spaces.

  but I don't see a solution for `gdalwarp -t_srs` which takes
  all +proj terms within a single "quoted list".

  that quoted list does not like individual terms quoted within
  it. e.g. this fails with a proj term parsing error:

  gdalwarp -t_srs "'+proj=longlat' '+datum=nad83' '+nadgrids=c:\Program Files\GRASS\etc\nad\conus'" input.tif output.tif

  so no way to quote the +nadgrids pathname for gdalwarp AFAICT.

I don't think this is fixable, absent teaching gdalwarp about quoting.
Using spaces to separate arguments and using spaces in file names are
just incompatible practices.

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