[Proj] Spheroidal gnomonic projection

Karney, Charles ckarney at Sarnoff.com
Mon Jun 14 08:46:23 PDT 2010


Thanks for the E-mail.  Your method is same as given by Roy Williams,
Geometry of Navigation (Horwood, Chichester, 1998), pp 29-37.  (Google
books will allow you to "preview" these pages.)

Incidentally the "neatest" way to project from a point to a plane is via
homogeneous 4-vectors.  A point X is given by [x, y, z, 1]^t (possibly
multiplied by a constant).  A plane P is defined by P^t.X = 0.  The
operation which projects a point X from a center point C onto a plane P
is given by

   Y = M.X


   M = (C^t.P) I - C.P^t

The nice thing about 4-vectors is that you can deal with orthogonal
projections (from a point at infinity) easily.

I've measured deviations of straight lines in this projection from
geodesics and within 1000km of the center point the errors in the
initial/final azimuths are up to 108".  This is OK, but not great.

The "geodesic" version (which, I might add, also entails no intermediate
mappings, no truncations, and no approximations) gets this error down to
1.04".  With the conformal method (also free of approximations), the
error is 17".

Charles Karney <ckarney at sarnoff.com>
Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300

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