[Proj] Projection advice

Noel Zinn (cc) ndzinn at comcast.net
Thu Dec 8 13:28:16 PST 2011

> But how to make this projection choice automatic?

GPS would solve that, of course.  Once you have a position in your area, you 
define that as the central point of an oblique stereographic, for example. 
If no GPS, then perhaps an atlas!  BTW, thanks for the OxTS lead.  -Noel

Noel Zinn, Principal, Hydrometronics LLC
+1-832-539-1472 (office), +1-281-221-0051 (cell)
noel.zinn at hydrometronics.com (email)
http://www.hydrometronics.com (website)

-----Original Message----- 
From: Roger Oberholtzer
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 2:33 PM
To: PROJ.4 and general Projections Discussions
Subject: Re: [Proj] Projection advice

On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 12:28 -0600, Noel Zinn (cc) wrote:
> GPS, too?  Anyway, I take your response as an affirmative (i.e. scale
> accounted for).  Nevertheless, I'd advise sticking with local (and
> disposable) projections, e.g. an oblique stereographic centered in your
> (small) work area with (probably) a scale of unity at the center.  The
> "best" wide-area projection may not be good enough for some (or many) work
> areas.  -Noel

GPS is always the tricky part. When is it really good? A Kahlman filter
is the best practical solution. For that we use systems like those from
Oxford Technical Solutions. In the case I am discussing here, we are
messing around a bit.

But how to make this projection choice automatic? That is what I am
trying to accomplish.


Yours sincerely,

Roger Oberholtzer

OPQ Systems / Ramböll RST

Office: Int +46 10-615 60 20
Mobile: Int +46 70-815 1696
roger.oberholtzer at ramboll.se

Ramböll Sverige AB
Krukmakargatan 21
P.O. Box 17009
SE-104 62 Stockholm, Sweden

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