[Proj] Adding ETRS89 datum to proj?

Heiko Klein Heiko.Klein at met.no
Tue Mar 1 00:32:24 PST 2011


the ETRS89 datum gets more and more important for Europeans, since it is 
a EU / INSPIRE proposal to use that datum for all data. I've seen the 
discussion about the ETRS89 datum definition for the EPSG codes on 

Wouldn't it be a good idea to add the ETRS89 datum to 'proj -ld'? I 
usually only use the +datum parameter, if any, but have never used 
'towgs' before.

I haven't worked so much with the proj code, but as far as I can see, 
adding the 'ETRS89' datum would just require a line like

"ETRS89","towgs84=0,0,0","GRS80", "European Terrestrial Reference System 

in http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/browser/trunk/proj/src/pj_datums.c

Best regards,


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