[Proj] Offset when converting coordinates from ESRI:31700 to EPSG:4326

Adrian Popa adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
Mon May 2 01:03:19 PDT 2011

Hello everyone,

First of all - thank you all for the information provided (and sorry I
didn't reply sooner).

Second of all - I still must be doing something wrong - the coordinates
I get are the same in all cases (the same as EPSG 4326):

adrianp at frost:~$ echo 587486.770 326878.452 | cs2cs +init=esri:31700 +to
+init=epsg:4326 -f '%0.6f'
26.099032    44.436575 0.000000
adrianp at frost:~$ echo 587486.770 326878.452 | cs2cs +init=esri:31700
+towgs84=28,-121,-77 -f '%0.6f'
26.099032    44.436575 0.000000
adrianp at frost:~$ echo 587486.770 326878.452 | cs2cs +init=esri:31700
+towgs84=44.107,-116.150,-54.648 -f '%0.6f'
26.099032    44.436575 0.000000
adrianp at frost:~$ echo 587486.770 326878.452 | cs2cs +init=esri:31700
+towgs84=-5.20,-126.75,-97.08,0.3160,0.4470,0.1340,0.99999  -f '%0.6f'
26.099032    44.436575 0.000000
adrianp at frost:~$ echo 587486.770 326878.452 | cs2cs +init=esri:31700
+towgs84=2.329,-147.042,-92.08,-0.309,0.325,0.497,5.69   -f '%0.6f'
26.099032    44.436575 0.000000

I'm sorry, but I'm a complete noob to proj and I do not understand the
full theory behind projections, datums and all the rest - so I hope my
questions are not too irritating :)

So - any clue to what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you,


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