[Proj] ESRI proj codes

Eric Miller EMiller at dfg.ca.gov
Mon Sep 12 08:49:51 PDT 2011

>>> On 9/8/2011 at 9:30 PM, Melita Kennedy <mkennedy2 at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 08:16:18 -0700
>>From: Eric Miller <EMiller at dfg.ca.gov>
>>Subject: Re: [Proj] ESRI proj codes
>>To: <proj at lists.maptools.org>
>>ESRI documents the various codes in their online help.  I'm not sure if there 
> is a single place for all of them (outside the SDK header file pedef.h which 
> is considered a "trade secret").  For instance, the C++ API has several 
> projection related constants.
> Eric, 
> The pedef.h file is not considered a trade secret! It used to be included in 
> the online help for ArcSDE, but I believe we stopped that when the files got 
> pretty large. It's not really enough information to build the PROJ tables. 
> You would need access to the well-known text strings, or the PE library to get 
> the parameters, unit, gcs, etc.

Well,  it only says, "TRADE SECRETS: ESRI PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL" at the top of the file!  I think most of the ArcSDE C SDK header files have that boilerplate.  Lawyers!

Anyway, you're right that it is just a bunch of preprocessor #define constants and does not include the full definition.  But, I thought the OP just wanted the codes...


Eric G. Miller
Staff Programmer
CA Dept. of Fish & Game

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