[Proj] Computing geodesics with Matlab; accuracy of spherical distances.

Charles Karney charles.karney at sri.com
Sun Dec 15 08:40:40 PST 2013

About a year ago, I released a native Matlab implementation of the
geodesic algorithms in GeographicLib.  The standalone package is
available here:


This works with Octave and Matlab.  The solution is vectorized; solving
1000000 inverse problems in parallel takes a few seconds on my home

This capability allow you to extend Tobler's 1964 paper


comparing spherical and ellipsoidal distances.  For example, a rather
accurate way of estimating the ellipsoidal distance is to transfer the
problem to a sphere of radius (2*a+b)/3 with the spherical latitude set


(which is roughly the rectifying latitude).  The RMS relative error in
the distance is 0.05% and the max relative error is 0.11% (WGS84
ellipsoid).  The following short Matlab program illustrates
this result

     ell=defaultellipsoid;                   % WGS84
     m=1000000;                              % number of points
     % sample points uniformly
     lat1=asind(2*rand(m,1)-1); lon1=180*(2*rand(m,1)-1);
     lat2=asind(2*rand(m,1)-1); lon2=180*(2*rand(m,1)-1);
     % the ellipsoidal distance
     % the mean sphere
     a=ell(1); f=ecc2flat(ell(2)); b=a*(1-f); sph=[(2*a+b)/3,0];
     p=1.5;                                  % convert the latitude
     mu1=atand((1-f)^p*tand(lat1)); mu2=atand((1-f)^p*tand(lat2));
     % the spherical distance
     err=(ssph-sell)./sell;                  % the relative error

If the geographic latitude is used (set p=0 above), the errors are RMS =
0.18%, max = 0.56%.  (Note that Tobler gives too optimistic an estimate
of the error because he only uses 27 pairs of points in his tests,
instead of 1000000 used here.)

Charles Karney <charles.karney at sri.com>
SRI International, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300

Tel: +1 609 734 2312
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