[Proj] axis order included in epsg file

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri Feb 1 01:49:45 PST 2013

Le 01/02/13 10:09, Martin Kofahl a écrit :
> I am happy to see an axis order parameter in the proj lib. In the 
> shipped epsg file there are already a few axis order settings, but a 
> few hundreds are missing. As this also effects commonly used codes 
> such as 4326 (which has, by crs definition, northing/easting order) 
> it's worthwhile to revise the epsg file regarding the axis order 
> parameter.
> Are there already plans to do so? Or should this be complement by 
> individual tickets?

Hello Martin

I don't know if Proj.4 provides axis order information directly. However 
this information is provided in the GeoAPI wrappers for Proj.4. Since 
those wrappers are in public domain, they could be copied in any project 
under any license of your choice. The file is there:


For example the line "ne:" lists the EPSG codes of all geographic CRS 
using the "North, East" axis order. The line "sw,ne" lists the EPSG 
codes of all projected CRS using the "South,West" axis order and based 
on a geographic CRS using the "North,East" axis order.

Note that this directory provides also other information that may be 
useful, like a mapping from Proj.4 projection names to EPSG and OGC 
projection names.


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