[Proj] Potentially (theoretically) dangerous changes in Proj4 internal routines that affect the end results..

support at mnspoint.com support at mnspoint.com
Mon Nov 2 02:42:17 PST 2015



basically it is always ok to switch to any calculation that is more
accurate or more formally correct ... but there should also be some kind
of a method to stay downwards compatible. At least some methods or go
arounds to stay compatible with old version should be given to users?! 

What proj4 declarations should be used to keep the old calculation in
effect?! etc.. 

Regards: Janne. 


Thomas Knudsen kirjoitti 28.10.2015 15:56: 

> As described in a recent thread, for the next release, proj.4 will switch the default transverse mercator implementation from tmerc to etmerc......
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