[Proj] Missing proj_def.dat in 4.9.1 release

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Sep 7 02:40:57 PDT 2015

Le dimanche 06 septembre 2015 23:28:43, Sebastiaan Couwenberg a écrit :
> On 06-09-15 20:13, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> > I'm not sure what the procedure is to generate release tarballs, so I
> > couldn't test if the Makefile.am change is sufficient to have
> > proj_def.dat included in the release tarballs too.
> Following the procedure in HOWTO-RELEASE fails to generate a tarball,
> `make dist-all` fails because nad/testflaky is missing. This seems to be
> a typo, because nad/testflakey does exist. I've pushed a fix for this:
> https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/pull/296
> With the flaky fix `make dist-all` works, but the generated tarball
> doesn't contain nad/proj_def.dat. I've pushed another fix to address
> this too: https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/pull/297
> Hopefully these two fixes are sufficient to get a new release out soon.


I've merged the 2 fixes. Thanks

And I've added also additional fixes : proj_def.dat was also missing in cmake, 
and there were also other 4 files in nad/ that weren't in the EXTRA_DIST. I 
realized that when adding a "self-consistency" check in .travis.yml: basically 
I do a make install from the git checkout, then a make dist-all, build and 
install (in another target dir) from the archive generated by make dist-all, 
and compare the list of installed files ( 

My guess is that nobody actually released from a tarball generated by "make 
dist-all" before, but just zipped the content of a fresh svn export.

Another related topic is : what should be the policy with automake/autoconf 
generated files in git :
- regenerate them and commit them each time they are modified. Advantage: the 
export from git is always valid. Drawback: it is easy to forget regenerating
- regenerate them only just before release time (so travis build would need to 
run ./autogen.sh)
- drop them from git completely ( that's what is suggested by 
https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/pull/282 )


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