[Proj] Proj 4.9.2 RC1 Released

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Wed Sep 9 05:35:34 PDT 2015

> On Sep 8, 2015, at 10:37 PM, sisyphus1 at optusnet.com.au wrote:
> It's actually a lot easier and quicker to just do the hacks and say 
> nothing - as opposed to taking the time to send emails about the issue.
> It would therefore be appreciated if either:
> a) a fix is implemented;
> or
> b) a decision is taken to never implement a fix.
> Either way, I would then be freed of the task of nagging about it :-)

My opinion is still that we rename it. This just didn't get done as part of this release cycle. Please make a pull request that renames it to satisfy your Windows situation, and it will trigger a Travis build on linux for confirmation.


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