[Proj] Compiling the new 4.9.2 return a 4.9.1

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Sep 20 03:14:45 PDT 2015

Le dimanche 20 septembre 2015 12:03:41, Andrea Peri a écrit :
> Hi,
> I download the new proj 4.9.2 yesterday and after compile and install
> it on a debain system ,
> I see the library are named
> libproj  (link)
> libproj.so.9 (link)
> libproj.so.9.1.0  (file)
> the last file "libproj.so.9.1.0" is right name ?
> I guess it should be named libproj.so.9.2.0


No, it is correct. It is the libtool versionning scheme that has nothing or little to do with the "human" versionning. 

The hard-to-understand rules of the libtool versionning are given here:


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