[Proj] PROJ 5.0.0RC4

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Feb 21 10:45:00 PST 2018

On 02/21/2018 07:30 PM, Kristian Evers wrote:
>> On 21 Feb 2018, at 19:08, Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> On 02/21/2018 06:58 PM, Kristian Evers wrote:
>>> Sorry, I failed to mentioned that. It is my plan to also make a new release of the datumgrid package at the same time as PROJ 5.0.0.
>>> Now that both the BETA2007 grid, the Australian and Danish grids have been added we should definitely put out a new version.
>>> I had not thought of doing a release candidate though. If you feel that is important, Bas, I will publish one. Otherwise I’ll just make 
>>> sure that the two packages get updated at the same time.
>> An RC should be done to ensure that no additions to
> Okay, I’ll prepare an RC then.
>> The downside of CPack is that it includes everything in the source
>> directory which is not explicitly excluded. This is the opposite of
>> autotools which only includes which is explicitly configured.
>> If the build is done on OSX the .DS_Store and similar files will need to
>> be excluded as well. There is no HOW-TO-RELEASE for proj-datumgrid (yet)
>> which documents the procedure, so issues like this are possible to be
>> missed.
> Thanks for the heads up. I am on doing this on a Mac.
> I’ll add a HOWTORELEASE and I think also combine the GRIDS.md and README.DATUMGRID files in a general README.md.
> I might have a few questions one I’ve given this a go.

Also important, because nad2bin is executed to convert the .lla files,
the build should be preformed on a system that has at least proj 4.9.3
installed, to avoid changing the binary files unnecessarily. Prior
releases did not zero pad the ID field making the result of nad2bin
unreproducible, see:


Due to the lack of version information in nad2bin, the FindNAD2BIN.cmake
cannot enforce the version requirement.

Kind Regards,


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