[PROJ] Use of EPSG codes in proj_create()

Oliver Eichler oliver.eichler at dspsolutions.de
Tue Apr 2 22:45:23 PDT 2019

>> sounds promising. Will there be an example in the migration guide? 
>> Right
>> now this guide is pretty frustrating. It gives you a rough example of
>> something that does not even match the old behavior and the rest is
>> "find out yourself". No documentation in the headers. No obvious link 
>> to
>> API documentation on the web page. Yes, I found it by chance using
>> Google.
> Any suggestion on how to make it more accessible ?

Easy ;) "PROJ API Documentation" as top level item in the left hand 

And as a developer using this API I would expect the documentation to be 
part of the header files. Don't know why you guys don't like Doxygen.



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