[PROJ] request for integration of optimized transformatiegrid BD72 to ETRS89

Kristian Evers kreve at sdfe.dk
Thu Feb 14 07:00:34 PST 2019

Hello Karin,

As long as your grids are released on a suitable open source compatible license, yes it is possible to add them to PROJ. If you are quick (as in today) and open a pull request in the proj-datumgrid repository [0] it can become part of the coming version 6 of PROJ. I am not sure if transformations to and from EPSG:31370 will be using the grids by default without also modifying the source code of PROJ. Even Rouault should be able to clear that up though.


[0] https://github.com/OSGeo/proj-datumgrid

Fra: PROJ <proj-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> På vegne af Praet Karin
Sendt: 14. februar 2019 15:53
Til: proj at lists.osgeo.org
Emne: [PROJ] request for integration of optimized transformatiegrid BD72 to ETRS89


The Belgian National Institute of Geography (NGI) has published a more accurate transformationgrid to convert between Belgian Datum 1972 tot ETRS 89.
As Belgian Lambert 1972 (EPSG:31370), based on BD72,  is widely used in Belgium - is it possible to integrate this transformationgrid as the default transformation for this datum?

Documentation in Dutch:  http://www.ngi.be/NL/NL2-1-7.shtm
Documentation in French: http://www.ngi.be/FR/FR2-1-7.shtm

The grid is called: bd72lb72_etrs89lb08.gsb


Karin Praet
Provincie Limburg, Hasselt, Belgium

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