[PROJ] Performance of proj_create_crs_to_crs()

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sun Feb 17 08:39:28 PST 2019

Hey there,

I don't want to disparage your work right now, that's just my two
cents... from a normal GIS user's point of view, who did fine with
proj < 6 for years.

Am So, 17.02.2019, 17:31 schrieb Paul Ramsey:
> Well, as things stand now, any SQL statement that includes
> ST_Transform() in PostGIS has gone from a 17ms minimum to a 350ms
> minimum run time. That's basically unacceptable (not in a moral sense,
> just in the sense that if PostGIS users will see things to 20x slower
> when they "upgrade" proj, with no benefit as far as they can tell,
> then they will not want to upgrade).

Can't PostGIS be built against legacy and modern Proj? So the user
could choose between performance and precision. For most of the jobs,
the "performance mode" might be sufficient.

This could of course only be for the transitional period until PostGIS
(or proj) has been adapted accordingly.

Best regards,

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