[PROJ] PROJ 6.0.0 cs2cs: cannot instantiate source coordinate system - program abnormally terminated

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Mar 8 09:17:26 PST 2019

On vendredi 8 mars 2019 16:28:07 CET Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> The cs2cs tests in the proj-rdnap package [0] fail with PROJ 6.0.0:
>  Rel. 6.0.0, March 1st, 2019
>  <cs2cs>:
>  cannot initialize transformation
>  cause: (null)
>  program abnormally terminated
> The problem seems to be the minimal epsg file in PROJ_LIB, removing is
> works around the issue.
> Should cs2cs really terminate abnormally when an problematic init file
> is present in PROJ_LIB?

Actually, this is rather subtle. The issue is that the definition of epsg:4258 
in the minimum epsg file is interpretated as a Geographic 2D CRS, whereas 
rdnap:rdnap is interpretated as as CompoundCRS (horizontal + vertical). 
Normally the code that computes the possible transformation paths would find a 
Geographic 3D CRS that corresponds to the Geographic 2D CRS, but in the case 
of a '+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs' definition, 
there's no single such 3D CRS. So no transformation path is returned at all.

When using the EPSG:4258 definition from proj.db, then the EPSG:4937 (ETRS89 
3D) is used internally.


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