[PROJ] Test failure when building on Windows

Asa Packer APacker at biosonicsinc.com
Tue Oct 22 11:51:34 PDT 2019


I am working with proj 6.2.0 on Windows, have gotten it to build using Visual Studio 2017, and all tests pass except one when I run ctest.  It is the "factory.attachExtraDatabases_auxiliary" test in proj_test_cpp_api.  The error message printed is:

unknown file: error: C++ exception with description "geodeticCRS not found" thrown in the test body.

I am building proj with the sqlite code from sqlite-amalgamation-3300100.zip, which is the latest version of sqlite as of today.

The only way I have managed to get the test to pass is if I change line 2471 of proj-6.2.0/test/unit/test_factory.cpp to remove the "mode=memory" setting.

I'm at a loss how to troubleshoot this.  Is this a proj issue, a sqlite issue, or perhaps most likely, an issue with my build?  Any advice/suggestions would be much appreciated.


Asa Packer  | Lead Systems Engineer

BioSonics, Inc.
2356 W Commodore Way, Unit 110
Seattle WA 98199-1258 USA
tel 206.782.2211 |  biosonicsinc.com<http://www.biosonicsinc.com/>

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