[PROJ] Student contribution

Elie-Alban Lescout Elie-Alban.Lescout at ensg.eu
Fri Apr 17 05:40:19 PDT 2020

Hi everyone!

I am a Geomatics Engineering student from the french National School for Geographical Sciences (ENSG<http://www.ensg.eu/?lang=en>) where we use PROJ a lot. It is particularly used in Geodesy class but also indirectly in many other fields (since PROJ is used as a building block in many softwares). As such I find that we, students, owe a lot to the community that develops and maintains this software and I would like to thank you all for what you do!
During our second year we have to complete a three-month internship and I thought I could take this opportunity to contribute to the project full-time or at least give a help somehow. Do you think there could be a way to have an institution (university, research lab or company) that could supervise me to enable this ?

Thank you in advance for your answers,
Best Regards,

Elie-Alban Lescout
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