[PROJ] Problem converting to State Plane Coordinates

wayne at truwayllc.com wayne at truwayllc.com
Tue Aug 11 16:43:42 PDT 2020


I just compiled proj 7.1.0 on my machine and the examples I’ve tried from the Proj website seem to work. I’m trying to convert from Lat/Long coordinates to State Plane zone 4302 (Central Utah). After a bit of searching I found what appears to be the correct syntax to enter the state plane zone "+nad83:4302”. I tried starting with a simplified set of arguments as follows...

$ echo -111.4342412778 40.6680408972 | proj +proj=utm +nad83:4302 +ellps=WGS84
-5286420.10	12245588.21

The expected result (from a tie sheet) is 505560.312 2259209.082

If I Try the same syntax to translate to UTM zone 12 I get a more reasonable result

$ echo -111.4342412778 40.6680408972 | proj +proj=utm +zone=12 +ellps=WGS84
463296.98	4501998.16

What am I doing wrong here?

I would be particularly interested in seeing how to do this with the more modern PROJ pipeline syntax.


Wayne Anderson
wayne at truwayllc.com
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