[PROJ] "Fallback" support for transformations

Lesparre, Jochem Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl
Tue Feb 4 05:37:02 PST 2020


My understanding is that the approach of the Dutch transformation could have been encoded in the EPSG registry if we didn't use a fixed height in the 7 parameter transformation. This is a bit ironic since we only use a fixed height to get the same results as with the second variant, which we created only because this is more widely supported by software.

Regards, Jochem

-----Original Message-----
From: PROJ <proj-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Even Rouault
Sent: dinsdag 4 februari 2020 13:52
To: proj at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [PROJ] "Fallback" support for transformations


(Regarding what Jochem describes for the Dutch transformation, the variant with the fading out is indeed a smart approach, but too smart to be encoded in the EPSG database (at least currently), and thus being automatically proposed by PROJ in a proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj() / proj_create_operations() use case. Could probably be done with a custom entry in the PROJ db, but that's another topic. So for now, you need to specify "at hand" such PROJ pipeline. )


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