[PROJ] Releasing PROJ 6.3.1 ?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Feb 5 13:15:27 PST 2020


I believe we should release a 6.3.1 soon from the 6.3 branch.

When investigating the issue(s) raised in the following MapServer message
I tried MapServer master (future 7.6) with PROJ 6.3.0 (using proj.h) and I get 
crashes (or completely erroneous results) in a number of MapServer regression 
tests. Those crashes are fixed by the following commit
that was pushed post 6.3.0.
This commit also fixes issues with spatial R packages.

This is a bug dating back to 6.0.0 AFAIR but for some reason later 6.x 
versions exhibit it much more easily than before. It is connected with the use 
of the legacy +init=epsg:XXXX syntax that is still heavily used by MapServer 
tests (and likely user mapfiles). It could probably be workaround on MapServer 
side, but I'd feel more relieved if we issued a 6.3.1

"Celui qui dit, c'est celui qui fait" as one says here, which probably means 
I'm volunteering to do that release.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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