[PROJ] Disable .local in 7.0.0RC default search paths

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Feb 23 07:44:02 PST 2020

> Where are these functions,

This is documented in
This will go live on proj.org once 7.0 has ben released.

> and can they be securely turned off (confirmed
> on load that CDN will not be used)? Later users or labs may turn them on,
> but positive confirmation that they are off matters.

The settings are off by default.

> I've seen transient cases of rgdal loading, creating the
> directory and putting cache.db in it, and other cases where no directory
> is created, in otherwise identical settings.

If you run "make check", as projsync is tested and other network functionality 
too, the directory will be created and cache.db as well. But for other uses 
when those functionality isn't enabled, they should not.

> but if grids come into play, with a hash tag or similar of the specific
> grid used - to be able to reproduce the output of the coordinate
> operation. Will that be visible in the pipeline string returned?

Only grids appearing explicitly in a pipeline string will be used (if 
providing explict pipelines. When using 'black-box' mode with 
proj_create_crs_to_crs(), grids may or may not be used). For a given 
coordinate operation returned by proj_create_operations(), you can get the 
grids used with proj_coordoperation_get_grid_used_count() + 


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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