[PROJ] Relevant descrepancies between Sinusoidal and Homolosine

Luí­s Moreira de Sousa luis.de.sousa at protonmail.ch
Wed Jan 22 05:58:31 PST 2020

Dear all,

the past couple of weeks I have been struggling with visible differences between the Sinusoidal and the Homolosine. Between 40º S and 40º N the northing coordinates in the both projections should be the same - the interruptions in the Homolosine only affect easting. However this is not case, and the further away from the Equator the worse it is. By parallel 40 the difference is well past 20 km. One of the two computations must be incorrect.

While trying to identify the cause I found out that the Sinusoidal as implemented by PROJ is not actually equal area. The further away from the Equator, the smaller areas become. Whereas other equal-area projections like the Homolosine, Eckert IV or Mollweide all agree closely in their full co-domain. I am attaching a small CSV that digests some of these computations.

Before digging further into this issue, I would like to ask you to verify these discrepancies. Can you replicate, or am I seeing this wrong?

My set up:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- UbuntuGIS-Unstable PPA
- PROJ 5.2.0

The PROJ strings I am using:
+proj=sinu +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
+proj=moll +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
+proj=igh +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84

Thank you.

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