[PROJ] Tie breakers used when ordering candidate operations

Lesparre, Jochem Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl
Fri Feb 12 01:03:49 PST 2021

Greg wrote:
>  People talk about WGS84

Everyone should stop doing that and avoid EPSG:4326 at all times. ITRS is the one official international system, recognised by the UN.

Greg wrote:
> ITRF2008 is pretty much the same thing as WGS84(G1762) ), and ITRF2014

The major difference is that WGS84(G1762) is really messy at centimetre-level. It ignores the tracking station velocities during the year and uses an annual step-wise update (at a random date in January) of tracking station coordinates used to generate ephemeris broadcast message.

Greg wrote:
> So, I think people who ask for transforms to WGS84 should be told "That doesn't really make sense any more; I will assume you mean WGS84(G1762) which is basically the same as ITRF2014" and then you should use those transforms instead.

That is what I am doing all the time, except that I first ask them "Do you really want time-dependent international coordinates? Otherwise, I will assume you mean ETRF2000".

Regards, Jochem

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