[PROJ] General Geodesy: Lightweight LLA/XYZ Transformation Code (C++)
Dave Knopp
dave at stellacore.com
Thu Feb 25 11:05:41 PST 2021
RE: specialized geodetic coordinate transformation utility code for s/w
I recently created a small geodesy code utility for a particular
development need. I found the results very useful for that situation and
thought worth contributing back as open source.
The two fundamental capabilities are already provided within Proj (as
well as OSGeo projects like GeographicLib and indirectly in other
packages). The key distinction of Peridetic is the lightweight package
(only a C++ header file pair) and computation speed with no dependencies
or complexities beyond the language standard.
Info and links below.
Peridetic -- Lightweight Geodetic LLA/XYZ Transformation Code (C++) --
v1.0.1 available:
Peridetic is an extremely lightweight, easy-to-use and *simple* C++
header file implementation that provides precise, accurate and fast
transformations between Geodetic (lon/lat/alt) from/into Cartesian
(x/y/z) coordinate expressions. (E.g. for converting between Geodetic
locations and GNSS coordinate data). Peridetic provides a "bare-bones"
implementation of *only* these two transformation capabilities without
introducing other overhead into the consuming product development
In the context of existing OSGeo projects, Peridetic is an extremely
focused specialization of a specific geodetic transformation capability.
E.g. ref "context and alternatives" section of project readme doc:
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