[PROJ] How to set target crs in PROJ-data

Lesparre, Jochem Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl
Mon Jan 18 04:06:59 PST 2021


Traditionally, EPSG has been linking 3D CRSs to 1D physical heights, however this transformation method (e.g. transformation code 9665) is strictly speaking not reversable, since the horizontal coordinates are lost. A year ago, I discussed with EPSG the idea of linking 3D CRSs to a compound CRS of their corresponding 2D CRS + the 1D physical height instead, which would be better as it is reversable. This would require a new EPSG method, so it wasn’t easy to introduce. I am wondering if EPSG did introduce that method now (transformation code 1088?).

Regards, Jochem

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