[PROJ] Call PROJ in OpenMP

José Luis García Pallero jgpallero at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 13:31:15 PDT 2021


Until now I though (I can't say the reason...) that the function
proj_trans_generic() worked in parallel, but inspecting the source
code in 4D_api.cpp that the transformations are done individually
inside a for loop by calling the function proj_trans(). So the
question is: which is the correct way to perform a transformation in
parallel using an OpenMP environment? For example a code such

#pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(i,coord2) shared(n,P,coord1)
    coord2 = proj_trans(P,PJ_FWD,coord1);

I see in the documentation that for multithreading a context must be created as

C = proj_context_create();

ans then the variable C must be used in the projection creation as

P = proj_create(C,parameters);

But it is at this point when i don't understand the use of the
transformation in OpenMP. Means the creation of the context C that the
proj_trans() function can be used safely in an OpenMP piece of code
such as the for loop presented before? Can anyone share an example of
PROJ in OpenMP?

José Luis García Pallero
jgpallero at gmail.com
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