[PROJ] Point not within available datum shift grids

Lesparre, Jochem Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl
Tue Mar 30 04:17:48 PDT 2021

Hi Even,

> You would want the z value to be set at infinity, right ?

Yes. That was the behaviour under PROJ 6, which worked fine.

> Can't think with current code a better way than creating a dummy 2x2 grid with values at infinity (if you set them at NaN, or a nodata value that is flagged as such in a geotiff file, then the vertical interpolation will also return an errror)

Thanks for the advice on using infinity instead of NaN / no data value.

> The "null" grid is now a virtual one. You could possibly contribute a similar "infinity" one. Look at NullHorizontalShiftGrid in src/grids.cpp

That would be a better solution! It sounds like a not too difficult feature for my first actual code contribution to PROJ. What is the deadline for the next PROJ release that could contain such feature?

Thanks, Jochem

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